Vinnere av bok!

Under våren 2018 gjennomførte vi en undersøkelse om opplevd fare i skredterreng. Tusen takk til dere som deltok! Vi har trukket en vinnere av boken Til topps i Norges Nasjonalparker av Gjermund Norskar (les om boka her og her). Vinneren har kode 1369. Alle deltakere som valgte å delta i trekkingen av en premie fikk … More Vinnere av bok!

White Heat Tracks

We are finally ready to enter the second phase of the White Heat project, and we are very excited about it! Our aim with this part of project is to collect GPS location information and survey responses from backcountry skiers and riders to better understand what types of terrain decision we make. Our focus is … More White Heat Tracks

To risk or not to risk – who is at risk of being caught in an avalanche?

Whenever someone gets killed in an avalanche, it is a tragedy, both for the lost individual, for his or her family, and for society as a whole. Yes, it is a loss for society, because society looses a person who could have contributed to its development. Avalanche accidents generates costs in terms of rescue actions, … More To risk or not to risk – who is at risk of being caught in an avalanche?

Come work with us!

Are you interested in economic analysis of decision-making under uncertainty, with a special focus on decisions in avalanche terrain? Do you have a master in economics, perhaps even some experience in behavioral or experimental economics? Would you like to work within the White heat project and live in Tromsø, Norway? Then you should definitely apply … More Come work with us!